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Vedic Math Essentials: Course Details
The following are the details of the course that will be covered in Module One of Vedic Math Essentials Course!
Importance of Vedic Maths
Introduction of Vedic Maths Basic Sutras
9’s , 10’s circle concept
Doubling & Halving
Digit Sum concept
Complements concept and how to use
All from 9 and Last from 10 concept
Art of Rapid Addition in a simple way
Rapid subtraction without borrowing
Mental Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication concept
Multiplication special methods for 5’s, 11’s, etc
VINCULUM concept and usage
Ekadhikena Sutra
Nikhilam Sutra
Ekayuena Purvena Sutra
Basic of Urdhva Trikona Sutra

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